Feb 29, 2024 | Commercial Construction

Choosing the Right Commercial Construction Contractor

Embarking on a new commercial building project is no small feat. It requires meticulous planning, skilled craftsmanship, and a team of experts dedicated to bringing your vision to life. That’s why selecting the right commercial construction contractor is absolutely crucial for the success of your project.

When it comes to embarking on a project to transform your office space, expand your quick-serve restaurants, renovate retail stores, or rebrand your fuel or convenience stores, selecting a contractor who has a deep understanding of nationwide commercial construction is essential.

Choosing the right contractor for your project involves careful evaluation of various factors. From experience and expertise to reputation and project management capabilities, these aspects must be thoughtfully considered to ensure a smooth and successful construction experience.

To help you make the best choice for your next construction, expansion, or rebrand journey, we have assembled some valuable insights and guidance on how to select the right commercial construction contractor for the job.

Assess Portfolios and Check References

When considering a commercial contractor it is essential to assess their portfolio of past projects. After all, the work they have done is likely to be representative of the work they will do, so you want to see examples and make sure they are in line with what you want for your business or building.

As you review portfolios, keep in mind these important items:

  • Look for contractors who specialize in commercial construction.
  • Make sure they have a proven track record of delivering high-quality results.
  • Request a list of references and online reviews from past clients to gain insight into the contractor’s reputation and performance.
  • Focus on their attention to detail and their ability to meet deadlines and budgets on commercial construction projects.

In the commercial contractor industry, it’s a regularly accepted practice to request a formal document called an AIA A305, also known as a Qualification Statement.

This document should come to you from the contractor in a relatively short time frame with a list of relevant qualifications, including: work completed in the last five years; references; bonding, license, insurance information; and the company’s financial details. This is a comprehensive document, one that should help you feel confident with their work history and ability to complete new projects.

Click here to request an AIA A305 from Asa Carlton for your commercial building project.

Explore The Full Scope of Services

When choosing a commercial contractor, it is crucial to consider the contractor’s full scope of services. After all, you want to make sure your project is in the hands of a contractor capable of completing it from start to finish.

Look for a commercial general contractor who can handle all aspects of your project, from design to construction and post-construction services. They should be willing to provide you with ample evidence of their work across various markets so you can see their project history that is directly applicable to your needs.

A contractor with a comprehensive range of services can streamline the building process and ensure seamless coordination between different phases of the project. Having the right general contractor for your project ultimately saves you time and money.

Examine Their Safety Record

Safety is paramount on any construction site, so it’s essential to examine the contractor’s safety record before hiring them.

Look for building contractors with a strong safety record and robust safety policies and procedures in place. Inquire about their safety certifications and accreditations and ask about their safety training programs for employees.

A commercial construction contractor with a commitment to safety will prioritize the well-being of their workers and ensure a safe working environment for everyone involved in the project.

Ask About Time and Budget Management Processes

Odds are, you have a deadline in mind for when you want your new construction project to be completed and at least a rough idea of how much you want to spend. To ensure the contractor you hire will be able to meet your needs, be sure to ask potential contractors about their time and budget management processes.

Inquire about their approach to project scheduling, including how they allocate resources and coordinate subcontractors to ensure timely completion. Discuss their methods for budgeting and cost control, including how they handle change orders and unexpected expenses.

A commercial construction contractor with strong time and budget management processes will help ensure that your project stays on track and within budget, which helps you avoid construction headaches.

Get to Know the Project Team

The success of a commercial construction project often depends on the expertise and dedication of the project team, so it is important to get to know the contractor’s team before hiring them.

Ask about the qualifications and experience of key team members, including the project manager, site supervisor, and other personnel. Effective communication and collaboration among team members are essential for the smooth execution of commercial construction projects, so choose a contractor whose team is experienced, competent, and committed to delivering high-quality results.

Red Flags to Be on the Lookout For

When hiring a commercial contractor, it is as important to know what you want as it is to know what you don’t want.

Here is a list of some red flags to help you easily screen out contractors who may not be up to par with your needs.

  • Lack of experience or specialization in commercial construction projects.
  • Poor communication or unresponsiveness during the initial consultation or bidding process.
  • Incomplete or vague project proposals without detailed timelines, budgets, estimated costs, or scope of work.
  • Unwillingness to provide references or hesitancy to share past project portfolios.
  • Incomplete or unavailable AIA A305 document.
  • Limited or inadequate insurance coverage, bonding, or licensing.
  • Missing website and social media accounts, i.e. no evidence of work/ongoing projects or community involvement. (Construction scams are a real thing!)
  • Negative online reviews or complaints from past clients regarding quality of work, missed deadlines, or budget overruns.
  • Lack of transparency regarding subcontractors, materials, or project management processes.
  • Inconsistent or evasive answers to questions about safety protocols, training, or accident history.
  • High-pressure sales tactics.
  • Unprofessional behavior or lack of professionalism exhibited by the contractor or their team during initial interactions.

Completing a commercial construction project is stressful enough as it is. You don’t need to be burdened with a contractor who doesn’t help you achieve your desired result. Don’t waste your valuable time with a commercial contractor who raises any of the above red flags.

All Things Considered

Choosing the right commercial construction company is a decision that will significantly impact the success of your project. By selecting a contractor who specializes in commercial construction and has a proven track record of delivering high-quality results, you can ensure that your project is completed on time, within budget, and to your satisfaction.

At Asa Carlton, we understand the importance of entrusting the right commercial contractor with your building project. Equipped with the expertise, commitment to safety, and comprehensive range of services you need, we are dedicated to delivering exceptional results that exceed our clients’ expectations.

Contact us today to learn more about how we can help you with your commercial construction needs.